Perhaps the hardest of all things for performing artists to do is to dedicate some time to physical and psychological recovery after a performance. When you’ve just played a 2-3 hour gig and it’s 11pm – there’s not a lot of energy for a stretch or  warm down.

Again learning from the sports model, all professional and most amateur teams have a post-game or practice routine which research shows can not only reduce the risk of injury but actually improve performance over time (and your career). There is little to no research for musicians in this area but again – music is physical  - and musicians who have employed a recovery protocol do report those benefits of less soreness and more energy.

The ingredients in a good recovery plan are:

  • Hydration 

  • Nutrition   

  • Stretching      

  • Relaxation        

  • Sleep  - perhaps the most critical aspect

Here are nine stretches you can try, which will make a massive difference to your post-playing comfort.

Hold each stretch for 5-6 deep, slow breaths and make sure you do both sides.

If you can only fit in 3 then pick your favourites that you feel help you the most!