Any human performance requires an appropriate level of physical conditioning to obtain the desired level of performance AND minimise injuries.

Elite sports performers do not get fit from playing sport  - they get fit to play sport.

Traditionally, musicians do not think of themselves as elite physical performers and therefore do not consider physical conditioning necessary to play music. We (and a growing body of research evidence) believe this is a significant reason why so many musicians experience pain and injuries related to playing music, regardless of their level of expertise and experience.

Benefits from a musician’s physical conditioning program can be:

  • increased general energy

  • increased physical endurance and less fatigue

  • improved performance on the instrument

  • decreased pain and general soreness from playing

  • decreased chance of injuries occurring which will stop you playing

  • Model stretching after playing music.


    You do not have to join a gym or hire a personal trainer to improve your physical condition for playing music. As little as three simple exercises done regularly can improve your strength, physical endurance and achieve all of the above benefits. Once you start and feel the benefits, you will want to achieve more - become fitter, stronger and build physical resilience which will not only minimise pain and injury but will go a long way to ensuring your long career is not interrupted by the need to stop because of injury.

    General fitness is also easy to improve -once you start (the hardest part). You do not need a grandiose plan to monitor heart rates and use technology. Sure this can guide you and reward you, but start with just walking faster than normal for 15-20 minutes and do this 6 days a week.

    Human physiology responds to challenge - ask it to do a little bit more than it’s used to and you will naturally respond - -then a little bit more and so on. This applies for cardio fitness, strength training and also rehearsal endurance. (More about that HERE)

    To improve your overall muscle strength, postural endurance and capacity to handle the rigours of musicianship, we have created easy-to-follow and inexpensive ways of improving physical condition available HERE. One single $39 AUD (+GST) payment gives you lifetime access to the video library which will now contains four levels of strength exercises and will be expanded with more videos and members only information.